Monday, October 25, 2004

A Blog novice in Exeter

This is my very first foray into the world of Blogging, an experiment that I might keep up for a while or just get bored with and forget before too long.

Actually, I'm inspired to do this by three things.

Firstly, I started keeping a diary/journal in Word several weeks ago and find it quite interesting. I've always dreamt of writing and one way to write is to keep a journal, improve your writing skills, and move on to bigger, better things.

Secondly, I admire some of the blogs I've seen out there, particulary the Baghdad Burning blog, created by someone called Riverbend. She (I think) writes about the war in Baghdad - she lives there - although she is very anti-American.

Thirdly, I've just re-discovered the writings of the old crew from the vanished magazine Living Marxism (later LM): Frank Cottrell-Boyce, Mick Hume and Brendan O'Neil. They really write some good stuff and I've just read an O'Neil article on Blogs and whether they're any good or not. Well, he at least admits to keeping one himself, so they can't all be that bad.

I remember Mick Hume - who now writes a column in The Times - back in Brighton in 1992, when he held meetings and stuff. I could never quite work out what they were about, that Living Marxism (or Revolutionary Communist Party) since they had no policies and just seemed to criticise everything.


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